
2012年7月16日 星期一

Virtual Iron manager Restore Practice

Virtual Iron前幾年已經被Oracle買走了,所有的support都收回oracle,可惜VI就此消失了...

日前忽然停電,UPS撐不住,全斷電,VI Manager開起來後,裡面所有的VM都不見了,呼~~~嚇死人了....


Performing a backup and restore of the Virtualization Manager.
The Virtual Iron system backup policy performs daily backups of the Virtualization Manager installation. The default behavior is to perform a system backup at 2:00 AM and to keep the last ten backup files. The default backup location is the following directory on the management node:
Windows: C:\Program Files\VirtualIron\backup\
These parameters are configurable in the Virtualization Manager Console, "Policies and Reports" view. You can create a new system backup anytime you like by clicking the "Backup Now" button on the system backup policy.
The naming convention for system backup files is: backup.${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}${TIME}.${VERSION}.tar
To restore a backup, follow this procedure:
These backup files are tar files but they cannot be restored by simply untarring them in the VirtualizationManager directory. The proper way to restore a backup is to first make sure the Virtualization Manager is not running, then running these commands in a command prompt with root or Administrator privileges:
cd c:\Program Files\VirtualIron\restore.bat backup\backup.${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}${TIME}.${VERSION}.tar


  1. Stop the Virtualization Manager Service
  2. cd \program files\virtualiron
  3. restore.bat backup\backup.${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}${TIME}.${VERSION}.tar
    說明:切換到restore.bat的路徑,restore.bat後面跟的參數就是一個tar的檔,長的像這樣: backup.201206280200.
  4. Start the VirtualizationManager Service

